Dhamma Talk Video 95: Social Media Crack Monkeys
Here’s an 61-min recorded video Dhamma Talk (485MB .mp4). Note that this is part 1; Part 2 is found here, and Part 3 is found here.
Full title:
"Enshrining the Spiritual and “Time Out” from Social Media, Part 1"
- virtues, values, sacrifice, tight and loose cultures, strong leadership, innovation, breakthroughs, achievement, Tokonoma (床の間), architecture, bonsai, wall scrolls, art, restraint, “Time Out”, “put on the brakes”, children, Social Media, Facebook, Meta, Tiktok, Twitter, Adblock, uBlock Origin, Adlists, addiction, the need to make friends, shades of grey, tyrants, restriction, OpenWrt, Pi-Hole, pihole, Raspberry Pi, networking, demo, hostnames, DNS, circumventing, cheating, “dial of atonement”, Pali Canon, Buddha’s Words, suttas, Nikayas, available even during restriction, blocking; automated, timed blockages
New Mastodon address:
Sutta Reference:
- SN 22.87 - “He who sees Dhamma, Vakkali, sees me; he who sees me sees Dhamma. Truly seeing Dhamma, one sees me; seeing me one sees Dhamma.”
Other References:
Charts with Tiktok growth seen here.
“Crack Monkey” Artwork. Copyrighted, but used for educational purposes.
Here’s the quotation (paraphrased) from one of the longstanding forum members, shown near the end of the video):
Teach them about privacy. You are a product nowadays.
Try [to] avoid social media. It can be both good and bad; bullying and harassment online is rife and has resulted in deaths/suicides.
Teach them once its online - it’s forever. Be it nasty comments or risky photos… either can get you in trouble. “If you don’t have anything nice to say… say nothing.”
Here’s the quotation (paraphrased) from one of the Pi-Hole forum admins, shown near the end of the video):
I personally believe that any such technical action you take is only a fraction as effective as face-to-face attention and direct conversation with your children … protect them while they are still too young, but also teach them how to fend for themselves as they grow older - which would mean explaining why you apply DNS filters, why it is a good idea to do so, and why they should vow they won’t try to evade it.
Automating the daily turning on and off of the Pihole Adlists - which block selected Social Media sites - is explained here.
The software I used to create the “Tokonoma” was called Heimdall. Heimdall install instructions - Non-Docker
- RSS feed of these postings: https://bhikkhu.ca/feed.xml (Paste this link into your favorite Podcatcher)
Digital Signing and Checksum (of the .mp4 video file above):
- GnuPG signature: Ajahn_Subharo_Dhamma_Talk_Stream_095.mp4.sig; search for GnuPG pubkey 0x28e15963710c0624 here.
- SHA256sum: 5516bdf12173b1080b724ddf5cc6f61e7de2f787c456d0a4f72e9b901f2ccafc