Dhamma Talk Video 145: Introduction to meditation in the Early Buddhist Texts
Here’s a 44-min recorded Zoom video (135MB .mp4 - Tip: tap-and-hold to “Download link”, or right click to “Save Link As…“).
- meditation, Theravada Buddhism, objects of meditation, suttas, having enough structure in one’s practice - as in a formal meditation retreat - vs. having some flexibility as to choosing a most suitable object of meditation
Sutta References:
Other References:
- my Favorite Meditation Instructions; has links to several suttas which I draw upon in my own practice
- RSS feed of these postings: https://bhikkhu.ca/feed.xml (Paste this link into your favorite Podcatcher)
- My work (the video above): Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)