Here’s a 25-min recorded video (47MB .mp4 - Tip: tap-and-hold to “Download link”, or right click to “Save Link As…“).


  • The ancient Greek philosophy of Cynicism and Diogenes, appraisal, evaluation of various “mortifications” (Indian-style tapas; asceticism), observances, efforts, practices and varying types of freedoms as actually conducive to spiritual progress or spiritual decline

Sutta References:

  • AN 10.94 - With Vajjiyamāhita

  • AN 3.20 - Shopkeeper

    And how, bhikkhus, does a shopkeeper have keen eyes? Here, a shopkeeper knows of an item: ‘If this item is bought at such a price and sold at such a price, it will require this much capital and bring this much profit.’ It is in this way that a shopkeeper has keen eyes.

    And how is a shopkeeper responsible? Here, a shopkeeper is skilled in buying and selling goods. It is in this way that a shopkeeper is responsible.

Other References:

