Here’s an 61-min recorded video Dhamma Talk (125MB .mp4).


  • What happens if I die, licensing, download .mp4, Creative Commons, copyright, Linode, credit, account, file servers, Sasanarakkha, Viraga, virāgo, virāge, virāga, dispassion, balance, strong views, killing, morality, cultural mores, superiority, inferiority, equal to, culture, prejudice, walking a mile in someone else’s shoes, pre-judgement, if you walk with the lame, you will learn to limp, osmosis, habits, friendship, fetter of “I am”, arahants, fading away, comparison, Japan

Sutta References:

  • AN 5.32 - Cundī

    “To whatever extent, Cundī, there are phenomena that are conditioned, the noble eightfold path is declared the foremost among them. Those who have confidence in the noble eightfold path have confidence in the foremost, and for those who have confidence in the foremost, the result is foremost.

    “To whatever extent, Cundī, there are phenomena whether conditioned or unconditioned, dispassion is declared the foremost among them, that is, the crushing of pride, the removal of thirst, the uprooting of attachment, the termination of the round, the destruction of craving, dispassion, cessation, nibbāna. Those who have confidence in the Dhamma, in dispassion, have confidence in the foremost, and for those who have confidence in the foremost, the result is foremost.

Other References:

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