Dhamma Talk Video 18: In The Zone Mindfulness; Self-sacrifice
Here’s a 34 min recorded video Dhamma Talk (177MB .mp4).
Suttas referenced:
“And how does a person practice to benefit themselves, but not others? It’s when a person practices to remove their own greed, hate, and delusion, but doesn’t encourage others to do the same. That’s how a person practices to benefit themselves, but not others.
And how does a person practice to benefit others, but not themselves? It’s when a person doesn’t practice to remove their own greed, hate, and delusion, but encourages others to remove theirs. That’s how a person practices to benefit others, but not themselves.
And how does a person practice to benefit neither themselves nor others? It’s when a person doesn’t practice to remove their own greed, hate, and delusion, nor do they encourage others to remove theirs. That’s how a person practices to benefit neither themselves nor others.
And how does a person practice to benefit both themselves and others? It’s when a person practices to remove their own greed, hate, and delusion, and encourages others to remove theirs. That’s how a person practices to benefit both themselves and others. These are the four people found in the world.”
Lists of Dhamma:
- Mindfulness in the four postures: walking, standing, sitting, and lying down
Other References:
- Ajahn Brahm’s advice to meditate early before facing the day
- Ajahn Brahm, Ajahn Chah, Ajahn Sona, “frog mindfulness”, simile of the wooden labyrinth, simile of putting on an oxygen mask, sacrifice, habits, skillfulness
Digital Signing and Checksum (of the .mp4 video file above):
- GnuPG signature: Ajahn_Subharo_Dhamma_Talk_Stream_018.mp4.sig; search for GnuPG pubkey 0x28e15963710c0624 here.
- SHA256sum: 0da9665ea17414b844c61f25277253ec76e67566024eef9a35aff8fd1d3cb459